
Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) or Certificate of Recognition (COR) Qualification

Smart Safety Consulting will assess your current Health and Safety Management System (HSMS), review current documentation submissions, and ensure policies and safety manual meet all the requirements of the certifying partners current audit requirements. Smart Safety Consulting can get your company COR audit ready. With the action plan developed compliance, recommendations and improvements to get your company where it is needed.

Maintaining Your Existing COR

Provide maintenance COR audits for Certifying Partners under The Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA),and Alberta Association of Safety Partnerships (AASP).

Existing Maintenance of Your Company Health and Safety Manual

Update Current Company Policy

Develop Formal Hazard Assessment.

Develop Hazard Controls including Safe Work Practices (SWP), and Safe Job Procedures (SJP).

Management of WCB Claims

Work on behalf of Employers and Employees, and WCB to manage each injury claim. The ultimate goal is to reduce or eliminate lost time claims and injury costs through use of OIS clinics, Modified duties, and back to work programs.

Reduce Business Risk

Development and review of Subcontractor Management programs including certificate of Insurance, WCB clearance letters, and HSMS compliance, including subcontractor orientations

Develop Preventative Maintenance programs

Provide solutions and schedules to ensure compliance inspections, maintenance, and repair are completed as per company policy, manufacture and legislative requirements.

Provide training and develop the required documentation to inspect and comply with company HSMS.

Provide Formal Inspections

Complete formal inspections on your construction sites, service project, office and shop.

Incident Investigation

Fully Investigate company incidents provide detailed reports designed to provide the root causes and corrective actions.

Other Services

Recommend Personal Protective Equipment based on hazard control measures, and administrative controls.

Qualitative fit testing of 1/2 and full face respirators

Annual certified fall protection Inspections

New hire orientations including GHS WHMIS 2015, and TDG

Develop toolbox meetings

Develop literature and provide to company employees weekly or monthly to fit your company’s needs. Toolbox meetings review company specific incident investigations, new policies, safe work practises, safe job procedures, inspection results.